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This is a month. I understand that I am responsible for cancelling or making changes to my membership before the renewal date. Jamie Scrimgeour will not issue refunds to those who miss the renewal date. 

I understand that memberships must be cancelled through logging into my account via www.jamiescrimgeour.com/login. Sending an email does not guarantee that the cancellation has been made. Team Jamie is not responsible for cancelling memberships. 

ADD THE EBOOK: 120 Ways To Be A KICK-ASS Stepmom $19.99 $14.99 

120 Tips, Strategies + Mindset Shifts For Stepmoms Who Want To
Live A KICK-ASS Life 

Boundaries, disengaging, ours babies, childless stepmoms, marriage, high-conflict ex, co-parenting and more —there's something in here for every stepmom! 

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KICK-ASS Stepmom - Monthly Membership

we're redefining the stepmom experience 


"The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community has been a lifeline for me through some really difficult times. I don't know what I would have done without the last few years in your community."

- anonymous

This community literally helped transform me. I feel a difference in our home from a year ago, and so does the rest of my family.
- Jessica 

It's like I have Jamie on retainer. For less than a dollar a day I can get access to the top stepmom coach online whenever I need it. The peace of mind is invaluable.
- Melissa 


  • Next-level conversations and content we don't share anywhere else

  • Workshops
    • How To Improve Your Relationship with Your Stepkids - $99 value 
    • How to Disengage The Right Way - $99 value 
    • How To Set The Foundation For Stepfamily Success - 99$ value 
    • How To Prepare For Summer With Your Stepkids - $99 value
    • and more... 
  •  Access to Live Hot Seat Coaching with Jamie + other experts in the stepmom space. 

  • Monthly exclusive interviews. Including: 

    • Setting Boundaries As A Stepmom 
    • How To Save Money On Lawyer's Bills
    • Navigating Mini Wife Syndrome 
    • Dealing With Teenagers 
    • Managing High Conflict Personalities 
    • Estate Planning In Blended Families 
    • and more... 

  • Listen in on coaching calls with other members
  • Individualized Support from Jamie 

  • Access to a  Private Chatroom where you can connect with Jamie and stepmoms from all over the world